Austin, some suggestions for trimming.
IMO you are saying too much in this poem.
It sounds like rambling after S5.
You don't need to beat the theme to death.
This may well be my own preference for shorter
more focused poems. There is much that I like
in this poem - only too much of it.
MI walk through empty rooms.
Late at night my mother sits,
back,hidden away,
commasoftly strumming an old Spanish melody.
The moonlight
at times revealing her tears.
I have often asked myself,
"Why does she cry?"
"What fingers
what hands
what fingernailswhat notes have led her to this?"
If only
she'd would have chosen a different chord.
to strikeShe can revise them now as she likes
they are only songs.
Those songs now lay elsewhere.
in in the sound of a growling bus
whose echo fades toward the falling night.
It grabs the wind, rumbling over
the asphalt
pulling a trembling pair of broken spectacles
from a youthful suicide
but, they are only glasses.
At times, I have seen those same fingers of death.
The ones, circling the heads of newborns.
The ones, inviting my eyes over beautiful cliffs.
The ones, whispering the secrets of the universe in my left ear.
Sometimes the songs are of peoples and their stories(
whose tattered pages,
so creased
sothey fall open at me.
Often times, they are the acts of fleeing cowardice
whose sweat soaked guilt rises,
comma even now,
comma into the corners of my armpits(
no SCas stains cry toward the sunlight.
I think this would be a good place to end the poem.
What procrastination!
What truths?
What delicate little lies.
Lies are flying away
like waving dandelion seeds.
Then again,
how such hopes
such seeds of dissonance
have sustained my mind well past my body.
Still, I choose to be selfish
just enough to create
not enough to be blind.
I close my eyes
songs return.
the rhythm of my feet
rescuing me from stagnation.
I walk along seeing people.
Children blessing the ground
the slapping soles of their sneakers.
Young lovers making promises with their eyes.
A single parent feigning off exhaustion with a smile.
A book worm eating a sandwich on a parch bench,
While being stalked by ducks.
An elderly couple holding each other against the wind.
Ifll turn away from such music for,
I hear it all too clearly now;
as the bees of remembrance sting and swell my heart.
I return from my travels.
My shoes lying next to the door.
My shoes.
Worn, dirty, well trodden
but, they are only shoes.